Thursday, August 30, 2012

Leave my porn ALONE!

It's so funny that republicans call for a small less intrusive government but yet want to control some of the most private things in your lives. I would say whatever filth and debauchery you (and when I say "you" I really mean "me") want to partake in within the confines of your own home, motel room, car, dark alley, or single stall lockable restroom you should be able to without persecution from the government telling you it's wrong and should be destroyed.  

The widespread availability of Internet pornography has made it harder for a generation of young men to find intimacy with their wives, he said. 
 'It's a growing problem for men in their 20s,' Mr Trueman said. 'It's changed the way their brain maps have developed. This is the way they get sexually excited.'

It's funny because men in their twenties should not be married and those who are are either fucking stupid or religious and have sexual frustrations from other things. I would say most of my twenties were very sexual and I watched at least 26 hours of porn in a 24 hour day..... I'm counting fast forwarding to the good parts as straight time.

Men in their 20's should be out sowing their wild oats and trying to find sleazy trashy women doing the same, not worrying about settling down and starting families.So funny we complain about kids having kids but expect young people in their 20's to be married?

My friend who just got married is 33 and it's his first time and he did it smart. My sis was Like 30 something as well. If you want to get married young and think it's right for you hey don't let me stop you but THEN DON'T turn around and blame your "ED" on the fact that porn is making you less interested in your "wife". Your 20 and have the attention span of a fruit fly, did you think in 5 years you we're still going to want to fuck the same chick? Shit I'm not even married and find it tough to just bang my girlfriend and I'm 33! Well this goes to show republicans claim they want smaller less intrusive government until they need a scapegoat for limp dick then it's let's all attack TEvil's fun! Fuckers!

Here's another interesting article for thought


  1. Fuck y and your point of view. We need to put a stop to pornography and the easy access people have. I got married in my 30's and I will say that porn ruined my ability to have sex with my wife. I would rather watch a small Asian man butt fuck a black guy than bang my wife.

    1. No Jamel it's your closet homosexuality that ruined yoru ability to have sex with your wife, well that and she just doesn't want to have sex with you anyway!


What are your thoughts? Hello, Anyone..... Hello